Steven Durst Crawford left his earthly body and his beloved panhandled last week. Steve was a man of many trades and talents. The fondest memories his nieces and nephews have of him were his adventurous spirit and tall tales. Steve loved to take his nieces and nephews out on hiking trips to dripping

springs picking up arrowheads and prickle pear cactus along the way, he would often remind them of the “wompas cats “in the area. Steve was a great history buff and loved to collect all sorts of things, he once took his niece to the trades day in canton and bought her a “come and take it” flag that still hangs in her garage today. He also tried out for Jeopardy and was accepted to the show, but unfortunately couldn’t make the trip out to California. He loved to teach us all new things such as teaching his great-nephew how to tune and play the guitar Steve was one of a kind, he enjoyed life to the fullest, he loved to spend time with family and friends and he was always up to tell a great story, show us something cool he found, or teach us new things. To his family, Steve was one of the smartest coolest guys to be around.
Steve graduated from Tascosa high school in 1971 from there he attended Texas Tech for 1 year before uncle Sam got him and he joined the Army. He was in the 7th Cavalry and was sent to Germany. Once he returned, he became an air traffic controller in Santa Fe for a while, he learned to set tiles and made a business out of his newfound trade lastly, he worked repairing high voltage electrical switchgear until he retired.
He is preceded in death by his parents Ollie McSpaddden and Joe Crawford. One Brother David Crawford, A Sister Karen Steward and a niece Kelli Murff. He was survived by sister Paula Henry and husband Don, sister Dana Jackson and husband Ray, sister Valerie Tubbs and husband Mike, 11 nieces and nephews, and many great-nieces and nephews.
Steve was loved by many and will be greatly missed.
Brad Ross
Since I had known Steve since the 1st grade at Avondale I learned to expect the unexpected. Just like in the early 80's he and Acton came over to watch some football. He walks in with a live racoon perched on his shoulder. The racoon looked content and even matched Steve's beard. He could grow a beard in about a half day. Just one of many stories that could be told and some that shouldn't be. Like the time we drove out in the country with a sixpack of beer in our senior year. Before we could take a sip deputy sheriff Stony Jackson pulled up behind us. He decided to take us to the county courthouse. His goal was to scare the hell out of us and it worked.
I talked to Steve just before the reunion so I knew he was sick. It still has taken some time to realize an old friend is gone.
Brad Ross
Stan Zoller
I still remember the smoke and the noise. When I went to investigate, I could see someone on a motorcycle doing donuts in the teacher’s parking lot of Sam Houston Jr High. It was Steve Crawford. He was 15 years old. In my mind, the only difference between James Dean and Steve was Steve didn’t have a cigarette hanging off his lip.
Rebel - “One who resists authority or opposes control”
Steve was drafted into the Army after High School. After his discharge, he leveraged his Army experience into a Federal Job as an Air Traffic Controller. When the Controllers went on strike, he resisted the government's demand to return to work. He refused to cross the picket line and sell out his fellow cohorts. He held true to his beliefs. An action of a Rebel.
Steve was an unpretentious, independent thinking, individualist. Great Rebel qualities. However, the best thing about Steve? He was fun to be around. He will be missed by many of his fellow ‘71 Rebel classmates.
Godspeed Steve Crawford
Marilyn Dammier (Kapral)
I was in Mrs. Spencer's class and I think maybe we were in the same 1st grade class but even if we weren't I went all through public school with him. My memories were of him being on the playground with other boys. My sisters were friends with all of his sisters and brother. Steve appeared to be innately intelligent but I don't think I ever understood what was on his mind. I know he was an Air Traffic Controller and I know he worked at Boy's Ranch. I am sorry to know that he was ill and that he is gone.
Valerie McCarthey (Smith)
I am so deeply sorry to hear about Steve. We were friends from elementary school through high school.
What a loss for all of his family and friends. Rest in peace, Steve.
Emily Montgomery (Flemming)
I was so sad to hear about Steve. I loved his sense of humor and cool demeanor! He and Larry were roommates at Texas Tech when Larry and I first started dating. The 3 of us had many fun and funny times together and I have many good memories of those days. Steve, you will be missed, my friend.
Ken Farren (Farren)
Like Brad I knew Steve from 1st grade at Avondale. Him and Randy Roberts live across the street from each other and many weekends were spent in that neighborhood by the boys from Avondale. Several of us played football for Joe Jones and Coach Teal. We road motorcycles and chased girls at Sam Houston. Steve was a prankster and could always put you in a good mood. A year after high school Cicil Prez, Marty Rice, myself and Steve Crawford got drafted and went to Ft Ord. We all ended with different MOS and were stationed at different bases. After the service I didn’t see much of Steve except at reunions. He was as fun as he ever was in our younger years and had great stories about his place out by Boys Ranch. I missed him at the last reunion and did not know he was sick. It’s great to have people in your life that you only have good memories of. Steve was one of those guys.